Saturday | 8th May 2010
Rayyan's Day Out..
Venue : Jusco AU3, Tesco Ampang, Jusco Wangsa Maju..
Idea dtg bile mama ajak papa bawa rayyan jalan2 sempena baru bli stroller.. :D
before kuar..mama check barang wajib rayyan yang perlu dibawa together2...
here is the checklist :
1. Susu - 2 Botol (suam and panas-suam utk minum dalam kete..panas is backup bile bangun tdo nnt)
2. Diapers - 3 (as for comfortness)
3. Napkin (sure muak lepas minum susu)
4. Sapu Tangan (utk lap mulut bile air liur menyebur...hobbi baru die..)
5. Soothers (ini kene sentiasa ade..bukan nk sgt pun just back up..)
6. Sepasang Baju, booties, and mittens...
First location..
we all pegi Jusco Au3..plan asal nak bli perfume, kasut and hp papa...
and baju utk ean kalau ade yg best..
and guest what...?? mmg bli baju ean jer pun..
papa tk jmp barang die yg die berkenan.. (cerewat gak papa ni)
dah tk jmp..we decide utk makan dulu...
lepas mkn try round balik cari barang papa..
and it end with tkde jgk yg bkenan dihati.. "what to do..."
Second location..
Tesco Ampang... (ade yg mama cari di sini..hhee)
Papa jmp hp yg die ske..(actually,mama ske then papa pun agreed)
trus angkat je lah kan..
masuk dalam tesco..bli susu ean..milna utk akim (my little sister son)
tgk baju cute2 jer..bli lg utk ean..
pastu jln2 lg..tgk ade baju yg sesuai utk akim.. amik 1..
ade lg few things yg we all beli..
but tk perlu kot nk list semua kan? hehe...
The Final Destination..
Jusco Wangsa Maju..
Pegi tgk perfume..bau semua ok..ok beli..
Pegi tgk kasut.. papa suke..2 color...yg 1 tu tk de size plak..
papa kate "amik 1 dulu lar ma.."
mama pun.. (angguk tak bersuara sambil mendodoi ean yg dah tk diam)
Hm..well kami jalan, jumpa, beli, balik (sbb ean dah meragam...hehe)
it's fun dapat kuar tiga beranak..
but bila ean dah meragam..
papa hilang mood nak shopping..
mama cuma menenangkan keadaan...hehe
otw balik...ean mengamuk dalam kereta..
bagi ape sume taknak..
papa bawa kete pun dah tk tenang..
dah la hujan lebat..kilat..
tkejut2 ean...sian tgk die..
dah tk tau nk buat ape..
pujuk2 pun tknk..
die menangis smp tertido..
sian sgt... dalam hati.. "cepatlah smp umah.."
from the incident...
mama n papa learns something..
lets share together :
1. MAKE SURE bekalan susu mencukupi (sangat2...)
-like rayyan.. die tk suke susu yg dah sejuk or ready made "mcm tau2 je budak kecik ni.."
lessons to the parents :
kene lah bawa susu spare n air panas...
agak2 bila dah smp mase minum si kecil..
boleh lah kite least it still fresh..panas2 suam gitu..
2. BABY tak suke didokong or baring or duduk dlm stroller terlalu lame..(SANGAT PENTING)
-like rayyan.. if nk letak die dlm stroller..make sure time die tdo jer..if not..JGN HARAP!!
lessons to the parents:
we have to alert.. kalau nk bawa die kuar shopping ke, ape ke..
make sure jgn didokong the whole day or biarkan die baring or tdo dlm stroller lame..
sian die... lenguh badan die nnt... skali skala dokong la die...
tp jgn la mcm pass batton plak dibuat anak tu..kang lg die mengamuk!! (i've experienced this!)
3. IN THE CAR..same jugak mcm kite bw die jalan...jgn la mentang2 die diam kite
biarkan die die baring kat seat..lagi2 if its the long journey...
-like rayyan.. die lebih suke tdo dipeluk.. hmm.."anakku anakku"
lessons to the parents:
maybe baby ni rase tk secure bile kite baring kan die dlm kete..
ya is moving right? so...pempered la die dulu..
agak2 tdo nye dah nyenyak..baru lar baring kan die or pangku jer die..
at least kalau tmpt yg kite lalu tu jalan nye tak stable...
at least tk la die senang tkejut n tjaga...
kalau tgh syok2 tdo tkejut.... haa..
ape lg...??

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
Today is my first duty at KMKL...
it's quite boring..
quite different from my job at POJ..
even me myself request to have duty here..
well..maybe becoz im new here..
it's quite boring..
quite different from my job at POJ..
even me myself request to have duty here..
well..maybe becoz im new here..
try to get my self comfort..
try to mixed with the environment,the people..
work is work.. "S.Y.M.P"
try to mixed with the environment,the people..
work is work.. "S.Y.M.P"
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
My Little Rayyan
Dedicated especially for my son "Muhammad Ar-Rayyan"

To My Little Son..
I hope you know how much I love you so,
I might embarrass you from time to time
By giving lots of love and needless kisses,
But you need to know Mama loves you so,
Before you were born I didn't know just how much I would love you so,
But when I looked into your eyes for the first time,
I felt my heart grow and grow, Mama love is hard to explain,
Not everyone will feel the same,
Now that you are getting older I felt
the need to tell you, Just how much I love you so,
Time may pass day after day or year after year,
But the love I have for you grows nearer and dearer to my heart each day and year,
To My Little Rayyan,
I hope you know just how much I love you so.
My love for you is forever..ETERNITY..
I hope you know how much I love you so,
I might embarrass you from time to time
By giving lots of love and needless kisses,
But you need to know Mama loves you so,
Before you were born I didn't know just how much I would love you so,
But when I looked into your eyes for the first time,
I felt my heart grow and grow, Mama love is hard to explain,
Not everyone will feel the same,
Now that you are getting older I felt
the need to tell you, Just how much I love you so,
Time may pass day after day or year after year,
But the love I have for you grows nearer and dearer to my heart each day and year,
To My Little Rayyan,
I hope you know just how much I love you so.
My love for you is forever..ETERNITY..
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