Thursday, December 9, 2010

Stacy - Jahat

i just want to share my son favourite music video..

jangan tak tahu..

tangan kemain tergdeik-gedik..mcm stacy jugak! hahahaa...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Sedang kami relax2.. kekenyang lepas makan mlm td..
tibe2 orang tingkat atas ni memekak la plak..
kung kang kung kang... rayyan baru je dapat lelap..dah la payah nk tido kan die td..
( nak marah ni...)

bile aku toleh ke arah en.suami...

"selambe jer mamat ni..."

dah la kejap2 bunyi hon train lalu lah.. ishh...
ape kejadahnye die menumbuk lesung memalam ni...
lambatnye baru nak masak.. depan umah die,dua2 blah umah ade baby kot..kembar lg.. tk pk ke ape..? tu lah kalau dah kel**** tu kel la jgk...! sabar2.. sabar2..

(tak sampai 5minit......)

"dumdumdumdum... "
"die main kejar2 plak dah laki bini!!!!"

"kenapa ma??" en.suami tny...

"ni ha si polan atas ni.. ape hal plak berlari dlm umah mlm2 bute ni...!
tk pk ke org ade anak kecik..ko ingat ko duduk kt groundfloor ke??" bebel aku..

"ma....." (pastu en.suami diam...sambil menebeliakkan matanye..)
"cikgu atas ni mane ade la..awl cuti skolah hr tu die dah blk kg.."

utk cover muka cuak aku kate : "sebelah umah die lah kot..."

en.suami balas: "sebelah umah die tu kan ke kosong..."
(sekali lagi die menebeliakkan mata nye sambil wat bunyi hee..hee..hee..)

mencecet aku lari duduk sebelah die...dan dgn spontan tgn aku cubit lengan die...!

knp aku leh tak perasan? padahal blk td br je mulut ni bebel..
"la..tinggal kete kite, sarina (jiran sebelah umah) ngn kete awe jer.."

lepas ni lantak la bunyi ape pun tobat tknk tegur!

"kalau hantu secute ini pun belum tentu aku berani nak pandang..." heee

Sunday, December 5, 2010

happy 9th month birthday baby!

After along time.. here im back..
actually tak banyak idea pun..
just bosan tgk entry blog lame2..
here im try to came out with sumthin not new but still fresh.. ;)

hey...! my little rayyan close to his 9th month birthday..
guess wat he able to do at this age..??
running? NO...
walking? nah.. (lambat kan? hehe)
well, lets make it even slower..

it's begin when u was
the newborn baby...

"welcome u to the world ar-rayyan"

to the baby inside the 'ape+nak +panggil+benda+ni?'

"hello papa"

after a few months..u move 1 step forward..

'my little tortoise' hikhikhik..

then mama help u to make your leg even stronger..
there you go.. 'baby-inside-the-walker'

"u guys want some? its tasty! (well its not)"

u did put some effort to move on ur own...

"gonna come and get u!"
"hey what was that?"

"hey tortoise..u'r upside down.."
"lets do some pump-in!"

as u going to have ur 9th month birthday tomorrow..
this is ur new achievement..

"die dah mule nak memanjat...letih nk jaga! seriously"

but it's enjoy to see u grow health! (alhamdulillah)
and sometimes mama just let u to have ur own wonder-peaceful-time..

"yes.. it's so peaceful to look you having ur own time like that..." (grin)

"happy 9th month birthday sayang...
gudnite and sleeptite...."

with love-mama-

Monday, October 11, 2010

RAYYAN : add me on facebook!!

dun forget to add me @facebook!
search : Ar-Rayyan Ruzairi (and im the only one!)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Batuk Jahat!!

malam ni kesian my dudu tak dapat tido..
baru nak lena..asyik batuk-batuk jer.. geramnye!!
'batuk batuk tak tentu pasal' please go away!

Monday, June 28, 2010

the moment u was born...

from mama to my son..rayyan..

here is something for you.. RAYYAN..
mama nak adik tau semua ni
bile mama dah tkde satu hari nnt, mama nak adik tau,
how much i love and blessful to have ur PAPA with us..

This year PAPA celebrate his 1st Father's Day where the same day his celebrate his birthday with u around.. (it's on 20th June 2010, Sunday)

ma ingat lg, mase mama baru keluar labour room, nurse tolak ma kt wad, ma nmpk papa mundar-mandir kt luar tingkap.. ma senyum jer.. (ma tau pa tk sabar,excited...) :)

bile papa nmpk ma, tibe2 dlm hati
"eh? mane papa ni.."
tak smp 5minit, papa dtg blk.. dgn muka basah.. ma tanya ..

mama : "pa pergi mane? td ma nmpk pa kt luar"
papa : "amik wudhuk.." (sambil mata die pandang adik..)

ni part yg paling menyayat hati...
pa amik mase 2-3 minit utk tenung adik sebelum angkat n azan kan adik...

time tu airmata ma dah bergenang...
lepas tu pa ckp..

papa : "ma..mcm mn nak angkat ni...anak tdo...sian plak die..mesti die penat dd duduk lame dlm perut..." (hehehe..lawak la papa ni..)
mama : tk pe,pa angkat je la pelan2..

mse papa azankan adik.. airmata papa menitis...
di cium kiri kanan pipi adik berulang kali..

mama tk dpt tahan airmata mama...
mama paham perasaan papa..lame nye die tggu adik..wpun mase mama pregnant, papa tk penah tunjuk yg die, bile die dah tgk adik, mata die tk lepas pandang...
lepas papa dah azan...papa belek2 muka adik... papa ckp..

papa : "mcm muka ma..."
mama : ( airmata berjurai2..)

pastu mulut adik terkumat kamit...

papa : "ma, die lapar ni, tgk mulut die..sian die... lame yer syg kt dlm td...?"
mama : "meh pa.."

mse ma tgh susu kan adik.. papa duduk sebelah ma... usap2 tangan adik yg kecik tu...
tibe2..papa cium dahi terkejut.. sekali lagi pa menitiskan airmata.. papa ckp..

papa : "terima kasih ma..."

mama dah tk leh nk ckp ape... hanya mampu :=================(
papa ckp... "jadi anak yg soleh yer syg...jgn tggl solat,rajin mengaji.."

as for now..adik dah 4 bulan...
gumoks (around 7.7kg already rite now...) +
active +
ske main air liur.. (rambut mama pun dah bnyk gugur..) +
dah pandai nk tdo lambat and mulut sgt bising...

im thankful that i have papa n YOU..

Monday, June 21, 2010

"Abah..Selamat Hari Abah!"

Abah DihatiKU..

Full name, Ahmad bin Yatim,abah dilahirkan kat Langkawi,Kedah.. tp kg ni la yg kami jarang sgt blk...sbb tok dah tk de lg.. mase abah keje dulu..kwn2 abgah panggil abah..Mat Yatim...pelik kan? tu nama atok kami lar!! saje nak ejek la tu..huhh.. kat skolah pun aku slalu kene ejek sbb nama atok yatim..menci..

Dalam family kami..abah la org paling penyabar.. mase kami kekecik, mengedu lar ape pun,lagi2 pasal kawan2 ejek ape pasal kami..mesti abah ckp.. "biarkan jer..nnt dorg dah penat dorg bhenti lah..." smp lah skang.. ingat lg abah ckp cmtu kat cucu die..ajon.. ajon ngadu.. "wan2..budak rumah depan panggil adik GEMOK!!!" seperti biase lah jwpn standard abah.. "biarkan jer..nnt dorg dah penat dorg bhenti lah..." abah2..part tu mmg tk kn berubah..

mak kate sebelum aku lahir dulu..abah garang sgt..panas baran.. abg izam penah kene campak luar tingkap sbb degil sgt kot.. yela..mse die kekecik, time abah dah nak balik jer mesti die cari pasal nk menangis.. abah balik keje tgk die nangis.. mula lar..dah la blk keje penat2.. mmg kene lah.. hehehe

semua org kate abah garang.. akak,along pun kate.. mcm tk pecaye je..yeke bah? seingat aku..aku lah org yg paling tk penah kene pukul ngn abah.. sbb aku baik ke? tk tau la plak.. tp bak kate mak.. "lily ni die pendiam sket..kalau duduk umah ngn die..basi mulut tak bcakap..duduk jer dlm bilik.." huhu... kawan2 aku yg dgr, gelak besar dorg.. "lily pendiam?? biar betul cik..?? hahahha".. hey, itu tak bmakna aku ni pretender ok.. just bile kat umah aku mmg cmtu kot.. yela..takkn kt umah nk cte gossip kat skolah ngn mak kot? hehhehe

abah pandai melukis tau.. pandai buat wau.. kekecik dulu bile musim main layang2.. org lain semua dok bli layang2 kt kedai si harun tu (harun tu india tau hehehe) tp aku abah yg buat.. gune plastik sampah yg hitam tu... wpun 1 kaler jer.. tp layang2 aku yg paling besar and terbang tinggi... wuuuuuuu~ hehhee....

time skolah lak..abah pandai melukis..abah penah lukis kan rumah kat bendang...(sawah).. cantik rumah aku tau.. bangga je g skolah bawa hasil lukisan abah.. pastu cte kt kwn2.. "ni abah kite lukis..abah kite pandai lukisssss.."

sungguh pun abah bukan lah seorang yg educated,tp aku tetap respect abah sbb die abah aku..dan satu2 nye abah aku.. penah kot mse kekecik..(mse kekecik lg...hehehe) abah balik kg, sbb tok meninggal, aku nangis sbb tdo mlm abah tkde.. padahal bukan tdo ngn abah mcm tk biase kalau abah tkde..even mse belum kawin, kalau abah g mane2 tak balik..mesti rase sgt pelik abah tkde kt umah.. padahal kalau abah ade pun abah mesti tdo awal...huhu

part yg paling best... kami slalu ckp kat mak "siannn abah mak.."pastu mesti mak ckp.. "mak tk phm la korg ni..korg slalu sian kt abah..kat mak tak sian ke?" (jeles la pulak.. bukan nye ape.. kalau ikut time skang ni..mak lg garang kot..abah diammm jer..(mcm aku) sbb tu bile ape2 kami slalu sian kat abah dulu... "sian...abah..." hehehe...

if satu hari nnt..kalau aku perlu dulu sblum abah..adik bradik yg baca blog ni, bgtau kat abah..

"Abah, adik syg sangat kat abah.. adik tau abah pun syg kat adik..., mse nak kawin adik takut sgt, wpun dah kenal ery lame, semua family pecaya kat ery, tp adik takut adik tk dapat kasih syg ery mcm mne abah bg kat adik.. tp alhamdulillah.. ery same mcm abah..yg lain cuma die suami..abah tetap abah adik..dunia akhirat.. selama adik lahir, besar and dah kawin sampailah skang..kalau ade ape2 dosa adik kat abah..adik minta maaf dari hujung rambut smp hujung kaki..halalkan segala2nya yer abah.. wpun adik ni degil kadang2, tp ape jugak nasihat abah adik tk penah sia2 kan.. ADIK SYG ABAH.."

happy father's day abah!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Syazrah Syarifpudin Dalam Kenangan

Tribute to
Syazrah Syarifpudin

I sit around and wonder,
and watch the days go by.
I look at all the pictures,
and ask, why did you have to die?

we've been at the same school
we share laugh, gossip, story.
the whole school seems know you very well
because you are one of the famous one.

But now it's time to let you go,
your spirit now is free.
Even though you won't really be gone,
because you'll live inside of me.

So when we have to leave you
at your resting place,
I will always remember
your smiling, beautiful and pempered voice.

This is hardly a goodbye,
so I won't weep anymore,
because now you're in better place
then you ever were before.

Even though that I will miss you,
and I'll think about you everyday
you'll always be our best friend,
and that's all I have to say.

(Al fatihah)~

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Messi the brightest star at start of World Cup

Every World Cup coach would like to be burdened with the problem of Lionel Messi. Messi, the superstar who, at 22, is almost certain to win his second consecutive World Player of the Year award, has never fit quite as neatly in the Argentine attack as he does with his Barcelona club team.
He has only scored 13 goals in 44 appearances for the national team while he netted 34 goals in 35 games with Barcelona. Some Argentineans have come to believe that Messi, who has lived abroad for a decade now, simply doesn’t have his heart in the game when he plays for Argentina. But more likely is that the coaches haven’t been willing to construct an attack, a short-passing offense a la Barcelona , around Messi.
That certainly won’t happen now that the coach is Diego Maradona, the greatest player in the nation’s history with an ego to match his stature. Just how dysfunctional does Argentina appear? Sportswriters wonder aloud if Maradona might not sabotage his star player rather than relinquish his singular stature in the nation’s soccer pantheon.
The truth is nobody can predict what Maradona will do because nobody seems to understand anything he has done yet. Argentineans are rightfully proud of their country’s soccer tradition. They want their team to win and to win playing the game the right way with skill and passion. They want Messi to rise to the occasion and, in the end, belong to them just as Maradona does.

"Player for player, there is no better national team than ours."

- Argentina's Lionel Messi -
Messi, the reigning FIFA World Player of the Year, has enjoyed another phenomenal year at club side Barcelona, winning the European Golden Boot with his 34 La Liga goals and also finishing as the leading scorer in the UEFA Champions League for the second successive year with a further eight.
Much is now expected of the 22-year-old in the FIFA World Cup, but Messi has shrugged that off, saying: "At this stage I don't have to prove anything. I've come there to do things well for me and for my team-mates."

Monday, June 7, 2010

Happy Anniversary
Happy Birthday
Happy Father's Day.."Sayang

when we were young and newly married,
i thought this the meaning that
True Love carried:
presents of handphone, chocolate cadbury and flowers,
sharing coffee at Starbucks and Meal at Kenny Rogers..

but i have learned as our love matures
that there's more to lasting love like ours
caring for babies and sharing the flu,
remembering to say that
I love you.
for we've good years behind us, and we're looking ahead.
not just taking love from marriage, but giving it instead.

it's nice to know, after all this time,
that you're still my special

" i love you,sayang.."

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Before I Was A Mom

Before I Was A Mom
I never tripped over toys
or forgot words to a lullaby.
I didn't worry whether or not
my plants were poisonous.
I never thought about immunizations.

Before I Was A Mom
I had never been puked on.
Pooped on.
Chewed on.
Peed on.
I had complete control of my mind
and my thoughts.
I slept all night.

Before I Was A Mom
I never held down a screaming child
so doctors could do tests.
Or give shots.
I never looked into teary eyes and cried.
I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin.
I never sat up late hours at night
watching a baby sleep.

Before I Was A Mom
I never held a sleeping baby just because
I didn't want to put her down.
I never felt my heart break into a million pieces
when I couldn't stop the hurt.
I never knew that something so small
could affect my life so much.
I never knew that I could love someone so much.
I never knew I would love being a Mom

Before I Was A Mom
I didn't know the feeling of
having my heart outside my body..
I didn't know how special it could feel
to feed a hungry baby.
I didn't know that bond
between a mother and her child.
I didn't know that something so small
could make me feel so important and happy

Before I Was A Mom
I had never gotten up in the middle of the night
every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay.
I had never known the warmth,
the joy,
the love,
the heartache,
the wonderment
or the satisfaction of being a Mom.
I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much,
before I was a Mom

Awesome Mom!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Rayyan's Day Out..

Saturday | 8th May 2010

Rayyan's Day Out..

Venue : Jusco AU3,
Tesco Ampang, Jusco Wangsa Maju..

Idea dtg bile mama ajak papa bawa rayyan jalan2 sempena baru bli stroller.. :D
before kuar..mama check barang wajib rayyan yang perlu dibawa together2...
here is the checklist :

1. Susu - 2 Botol (suam and panas-suam utk minum dalam kete..panas is backup bile bangun tdo nnt)
2. Diapers - 3 (as for comfortness)
3. Napkin (sure muak lepas minum susu)
4. Sapu Tangan (utk lap mulut bile air liur menyebur...hobbi baru die..)
5. Soothers (ini kene sentiasa ade..bukan nk sgt pun just back up..)
6. Sepasang Baju, booties, and mittens...

First location..
we all pegi Jusco Au3..plan asal nak bli perfume, kasut and hp papa...
and baju utk ean kalau ade yg best..
and guest what...?? mmg bli baju ean jer pun..
papa tk jmp barang die yg die berkenan.. (cerewat gak papa ni)
dah tk jmp..we decide utk makan dulu...
lepas mkn try round balik cari barang papa..
and it end with tkde jgk yg bkenan dihati.. "what to do..."

Second location..
Tesco Ampang... (ade yg mama cari di sini..hhee)
Papa jmp hp yg die ske..(actually,mama ske then papa pun agreed)
trus angkat je lah kan..
masuk dalam tesco..bli susu ean..milna utk akim
(my little sister son)
tgk baju cute2 jer..bli lg utk ean..
pastu jln2 lg..tgk ade baju yg sesuai utk akim.. amik 1..
ade lg few things yg we all beli..
but tk perlu kot nk list semua kan? hehe...

The Final Destination..
Jusco Wangsa Maju..
Pegi tgk perfume..bau semua ok..ok beli..
Pegi tgk kasut.. papa suke..2 color...yg 1 tu tk de size plak..
papa kate "amik 1 dulu lar ma.."
mama pun.. (angguk tak bersuara sambil mendodoi ean yg dah tk diam)
Hm..well kami jalan, jumpa, beli, balik (sbb ean dah meragam...hehe)

it's fun dapat kuar tiga beranak..
but bila ean dah meragam..
papa hilang mood nak shopping..
mama cuma menenangkan keadaan...hehe
otw balik...ean mengamuk dalam kereta..
bagi ape sume taknak..
papa bawa kete pun dah tk tenang..
dah la hujan lebat..kilat..
tkejut2 ean...
sian tgk die..
dah tk tau nk buat ape..
pujuk2 pun tknk..
die menangis smp tertido..
sian sgt... dalam hati.. "cepatlah smp umah.."

from the incident...
mama n papa learns something..
lets share together :

1. MAKE SURE bekalan susu mencukupi (sangat2...)
-like rayyan.. die tk suke susu yg dah sejuk or ready made "mcm tau2 je budak kecik ni.."

lessons to the parents :
kene lah bawa susu spare n air panas...
agak2 bila dah smp mase minum si kecil..
boleh lah kite least it still fresh..panas2 suam gitu..

2. BABY tak suke didokong or baring or duduk dlm stroller terlalu lame..(SANGAT PENTING)
-like rayyan.. if nk letak die dlm stroller..make sure time die tdo jer..if not..JGN HARAP!!

lessons to the parents:
we have to alert.. kalau nk bawa die kuar shopping ke, ape ke..
make sure jgn didokong the whole day or biarkan die baring or tdo dlm stroller lame..
sian die... lenguh badan die nnt... skali skala dokong la die...
tp jgn la mcm pass batton plak dibuat anak tu..kang lg die mengamuk!! (i've experienced this!)

3. IN THE CAR..same jugak mcm kite bw die jalan...jgn la mentang2 die diam kite
biarkan die die baring kat seat..lagi2 if its the long journey...
-like rayyan.. die lebih suke tdo dipeluk.. hmm.."anakku anakku"

lessons to the parents:
maybe baby ni rase tk secure bile kite baring kan die dlm kete..
ya is moving right? so...pempered la die dulu..
agak2 tdo nye dah nyenyak..baru lar baring kan die or pangku jer die..
at least kalau tmpt yg kite lalu tu jalan nye tak stable...
at least tk la die senang tkejut n tjaga...
kalau tgh syok2 tdo tkejut.... haa..
ape lg...??

p/s: well..parenthood part is the best experience i ever had in my life..its exciting you noe...

Monday, May 10, 2010


Today is my first duty at KMKL...
it's quite boring..
quite different from my job at POJ..
even me myself request to have duty here..
well..maybe becoz im new here..
try to get my self comfort..
try to mixed with the environment,the people..
work is work.. "S.Y.M.P"


typing error above describe how my jiwa is so kacau
will update more later..

mood : *not in the happy mood*


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

My Little Rayyan

Dedicated especially for my son "Muhammad Ar-Rayyan"

To My Little Son..

I hope you know how much I love you so,
I might embarrass you from time to time
By giving lots of love and needless kisses,
But you need to know Mama loves you so,
Before you were born I didn't know just how much I would love you so,
But when I looked into your eyes for the first time,
I felt my heart grow and grow, Mama love is hard to explain,
Not everyone will feel the same,
Now that you are getting older I felt
the need to tell you, Just how much I love you so,
Time may pass day after day or year after year,
But the love I have for you grows nearer and dearer to my heart each day and year,

To My Little Rayyan,
I hope you know just how much I love you so.

My love for you is forever..ETERNITY..