After along time.. here im back..
actually tak banyak idea pun..
just bosan tgk entry blog lame2..
here im try to came out with sumthin not new but still fresh.. ;)
hey...! my little rayyan close to his 9th month birthday..
guess wat he able to do at this age..??
running? NO...
walking? nah.. (lambat kan? hehe)
well, lets make it even slower..
it's begin when u was
the newborn baby...
"welcome u to the world ar-rayyan"
to the baby inside the 'ape+nak +panggil+benda+ni?'
"hello papa"
after a few months..u move 1 step forward..
'my little tortoise' hikhikhik..
then mama help u to make your leg even stronger..
there you go.. 'baby-inside-the-walker'
"u guys want some? its tasty! (well its not)"
u did put some effort to move on ur own...
"gonna come and get u!"
"hey what was that?"
"hey tortoise..u'r upside down.."
"lets do some pump-in!"
as u going to have ur 9th month birthday tomorrow..
this is ur new achievement..
"die dah mule nak memanjat...letih nk jaga! seriously"
but it's enjoy to see u grow health! (alhamdulillah)
and sometimes mama just let u to have ur own wonder-peaceful-time..
"yes.. it's so peaceful to look you having ur own time like that..." (grin)
"happy 9th month birthday sayang...
gudnite and sleeptite...."
with love-mama-
just bosan tgk entry blog lame2..
here im try to came out with sumthin not new but still fresh.. ;)
hey...! my little rayyan close to his 9th month birthday..
guess wat he able to do at this age..??
running? NO...
walking? nah.. (lambat kan? hehe)
well, lets make it even slower..
it's begin when u was
the newborn baby...
to the baby inside the 'ape+nak +panggil+benda+ni?'
after a few months..u move 1 step forward..

then mama help u to make your leg even stronger..
there you go.. 'baby-inside-the-walker'
u did put some effort to move on ur own...

as u going to have ur 9th month birthday tomorrow..
this is ur new achievement..

but it's enjoy to see u grow health! (alhamdulillah)
and sometimes mama just let u to have ur own wonder-peaceful-time..
"happy 9th month birthday sayang...
gudnite and sleeptite...."
with love-mama-
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